Terms and General Conditions of Use
Service Platform
These Terms and General Conditions of Use apply to the use of the SIPPulse A.I. service platform (Platform) - offered by SIPPULSE Tecnologia LTDA, a private law legal entity, in its capacity as software producer and service provider, duly registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº [09.603.902-0001/97], located at [Orlando Phillipi 100 SL 204 Saco Grande, Florianópolis SC 88032-700], hereinafter referred to as SPAI or Contractor - by any natural or legal person, as applicable to the condition of use and charging for the services, hereinafter referred to as User(s) or Contracting Party(ies) and who, as a user, intends to use the services offered through the Platform by SPAI, must accept these “Terms and General Conditions of Use” and all other policies and principles that govern it, agreeing with the clauses and conditions outlined below. Acceptance of these “Terms and General Conditions of Use”, confirms the reading and agreement with this document, the document “Privacy Notice – SPAI”, and the manuals (Manuals) provided electronically at https://docs.sippulse.ai/.
Together, SPAI/Contractor and User/Contracting Party, hereinafter referred to as “Parties” and, individually, as “Party”, have agreed upon these “Terms and General Conditions of Use”, whose acceptance together with the acceptance of the “Privacy Notice – SPAI”, and knowledge of the usage conditions defined in the manuals is absolutely indispensable for the use of the Platform.
In case of any doubts regarding these terms or the services, please contact us via email at info@sippulse.com. Questions about the terms included here do not constitute operational support and will be answered in due course.
The Contractor may modify these terms, as well as the policies provided in the Privacy Notice – SPAI” at any time without prior notice to the User. The most updated version of the mentioned documents can be found on the sippulse.ai website and when logging into your account on the Platform through approved web browsers.
If you do not agree with these “Terms and General Conditions of Use” or with the policies indicated in the “Privacy Notice – SPAI”, you should not use and will not have access to the services provided on the Platform. By creating an account with the Platform, the User, individually or representing a legal entity, accepts without reservation all the terms presented here and their subsequent modifications, until they cancel their account.
By establishing an account on behalf of a legal entity, you are aware that you will represent such a company and will be solely responsible for it regarding the use of the Platform in its account.
- User: A natural or legal person, indicated separately when applicable, who contracts the right to use the services provided through the Platform;
- Individual Account: An account for using the Platform by natural persons. Allows only one user.
- Corporate Account: An account for using the Platform by legal entities. Allows association of more than one User, with shared use, data, and services.
- Admin User: Administrator user of a Corporate Account.
- AI Services: Models of artificial intelligence services available in the market, for use, whether free or not.
- Service Agent: Virtual agents, created by Users, that use AI Services to execute tasks defined by the User.
- Token: A unique identifier for accessing the services of a Service Agent on the platform.
- Instances: Dedicated processing environments for AI Services, managed through the Platform.
- Credit: Financial amount acquired by the User for using the Platform's services.
- Overdraft: Use of Platform services that have exceeded the Credit contracted by the User.
1. Object of the contract
The object of this instrument is the license to use, under the terms of art. 9 of Law 9.609/98, as well as the provision of services under the terms of art. 8 of Law 9.609/98, without exclusivity, of the services made available on the PLATFORM, through the software that supports it developed and all exclusively owned by the CONTRACTOR, holder of the rights over the said software object of this instrument, and therefore being able to use, enjoy, and transfer said rights, especially for the development of technological enhancements, version changes, commercial agreements, sales promotion campaigns, among other functionalities or services that may be added, whether for a fee or free of charge.
The PLATFORM, and the software that supports it, were developed to offer management mechanisms (HUB) for the use of Artificial Intelligence services offered by tools developed by third parties (AI SERVICES) offered in the cloud and management of dedicated instances of service processing (INSTANCES), and are available as cloud services in a dedicated account.
Access to the use of AI SERVICES as well as INSTANCES will be managed and controlled by the PLATFORM.
The PLATFORM services are offered exclusively in a hosted manner by SPAI.
AI resources are constantly evolving and changing, and therefore, at any time, the CONTRACTOR may introduce, alter, or remove AI SERVICES. Additionally, AI SERVICES may have their performance altered by their developer and maintainer.
When selecting the services you wish to use, the PLATFORM will register for the configured services with the respective service providers, generating the necessary TOKENS, specific to each USER.
When creating an account on the PLATFORM, the USER will use third-party services over which SPAI has no management.
There is no sharing of information and resources between INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS, which have a dedicated logical environment with exclusive access to the account owner USER.
- CORPORATE ACCOUNTS allow USERS ASSOCIATED with such an ACCOUNT to access shared services, consuming shared credits. The individual resources of each ASSOCIATED USER will be accessible only to the user themselves and the ACCOUNT ADMIN USER.
2. Contracting and contractual validity
When establishing an ACCOUNT, the USER must:
For accounts of a natural person, provide the requested registration data and select the type of consumption plan they wish to use.
For accounts of legal entities, provide the requested data, complete the individual user registration, and wait for confirmation from the CONTRACTOR for the creation of their CORPORATE ACCOUNT.
This “Terms and General Conditions of Use” comes into effect on the date the account is created by the USER and will remain valid until voluntary termination or action by the CONTRACTOR under the following conditions:
Due to lack of credit addition for 36 (thirty-six) consecutive months.
At any time, as long as there has been a breach of the PLATFORM usage conditions, defined in this document and in the MANUALS, by the USER. In this case, there will be no refund of balance to the USER.
The use of PLATFORM services is subject to maintaining a positive credit balance by the USER in their INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE account.
After the end of the validity period, all data related to the USER's account will be removed and will no longer be recoverable. If the USER wishes to return to using the PLATFORM, they must create a new ACCOUNT.
3. Copyright
SPAI is the exclusive owner and holder of copyright over the PLATFORM and the software and concepts that support it, as well as any developed Plug-Ins, which are protected and regulated by Law No. 9.609/98.
This Terms of Use grants USERS the right to non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable use to access and make use of the PLATFORM services.
The structure of the application, trademarks, logos, trade names, layouts, graphics, and interface design, images, illustrations, photographs, presentations, videos, written and audio-visual content, computer programs, databases, transmission files, and any other information and intellectual property rights of SPAI, subject to the terms of the Industrial Property Law (Law No. 9.279/96), Copyright Law (Law No. 9.610/98), and Software Law (Law No. 9.609/98), are duly reserved.
This “Terms and General Conditions of Use” does not assign or transfer to the USER any rights other than those described herein, so that access does not generate any intellectual property rights for the user, except for the limited license granted herein.
The use of the platform by the USER by natural persons is personal, individual, and non-transferable, and any unauthorized use, commercial or non-commercial, is prohibited.
Infringement of SPAI's copyright will result in indemnification for damages, as provided by law.
Among other illegal practices, the violation of SPAI's copyright includes unauthorized use, modification, commercialization, or integration of the software, plug-ins, and other elements developed by SPAI to support the PLATFORM services.
The USER agrees that by creating an INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE ACCOUNT, they will not use practices aimed at extracting operational and functional knowledge of the PLATFORM architecture for individual
or collective benefits other than the authorized use of the PLATFORM, assuming responsibility for losses incurred by the CONTRACTOR resulting from the situations mentioned herein.
4. Support and technological update
SPAI will provide Support services to INDIVIDUAL USERS of the PLATFORM under the conditions established herein.
Support is limited to clarifications on the operation of the software and its operation, assuming that users are using equipment with adequate configuration for accessing the application and possess the minimum knowledge regarding the use of computers, which includes the use of a computer or cell phone and their respective functions.
Support can be accessed by opening a support ticket by sending an email to the address: support.ai@sippulse.com, containing:
User's Name or registration email
contact phone number
brief description of the problem or question, including screenshots and/or other evidence of the fact.
Support event processing will be carried out on business days during business hours from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm - Monday to Friday, except on national, state, or municipal holidays according to the calendar of the location of the CONTRACTOR's headquarters, in the city of Florianopolis, SC - Brazil.
CORPORATE USERS will have the option to contract extended support and should send a formal request via email.
- The service for events requested by the USER ASSOCIATED with a CORPORATE ACCOUNT will follow the service level defined in the specific contract.
The USER, individually or representing a CORPORATE ACCOUNT, agrees to modifications, implementation of new features, or removal of available features, tools, improvements, or corrections in the software model they use, with the management, approval, and availability of new versions containing such modifications in the software that support the PLATFORM and its use being at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR.
5. Commercial conditions
The PLATFORM operates through the pre-paid contracting of credits, according to models available on the sippulse.ai website.
By registering to create an account and use the PLATFORM, the USER, individually or representing a CORPORATE ACCOUNT, agrees with the values and payment conditions presented on the sippulse.ai website according to the choice in the service model and usage volume by you, individually, or by all USERS ASSOCIATED with the CORPORATE ACCOUNT.
The payment of credits must be made through a credit card or bank slip, issued directly on the PLATFORM.
The PLATFORM does not retain payment method information chosen by the USER.
In the case of the commercial model provided in item 6.6. below, the payment for PLATFORM services will be exclusively through a bank slip.
When creating their ACCOUNT, the USER must define the usage profile they will make of the PLATFORM services, choosing the minimum credit volume they will contract.
CREDITS may have a validity of 30 (thirty) or 90 (ninety) days depending on the contracted service.
Upon ceasing the availability of credits, the use of PLATFORM services, but not access by the USER, is suspended until new credit inclusion.
At the end of the contracted CREDIT validity period, the USER, any remaining balance in the USER's account, will be extended subsequent to the inclusion of ADDITIONAL CREDIT, for an equal period to that of the contracted CREDIT, provided that the ACCOUNT has not been canceled as provided in this TERM.
At the discretion of the CONTRACTOR, additional credit (OVER-DRAFT) may be granted to the USER, above the contracted credits. This concession will be applied only for 30 (thirty) day credit accounts, after a credit analysis of the USER. OVER-DRAFT must be settled at the end of the current month of its concession.
The license and rights arising from this instrument cannot be assigned, transferred, or loaned to third parties without the express authorization of the CONTRACTOR. Non-compliance will result in the payment of a new usage license, which will be added to the originally contracted one.
The consumption of CREDIT will be calculated dynamically according to the use of INSTANCES defined by the USER and/or the use of AI SERVICES associated with the SERVICE AGENTS requested by the USER.
- Except for accounts with configured OVER-DRAFT, the PLATFORM service will be immediately interrupted after the total consumption of the CREDIT contracted by the USER.
Alternative commercial models are available for CORPORATE USERS through a specific contractual addendum, keeping the other clauses of this term.
6. Conditions of use
The use of the PLATFORM is intended for natural or legal persons who seek a platform for managing and using different AI models in their professional and personal activities, being able to:
Integrate the platform with back-office management systems and usage rights,
With third-party systems, provided that the rights and usage conditions established by said third party are observed.
With systems of their authorship and ownership.
Any use that violates the property rights of third parties is prohibited and may, at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR, result in the termination of the right to use the PLATFORM by the offending ACCOUNT and USER, in which case, the USER, individually or representing a CORPORATE ACCOUNT, agrees to assume all financial burdens, direct or indirect, incurred by the CONTRACTOR from any claims arising from the improper use of third-party services and products.
The individual USER understands and acknowledges that, being associated with a CORPORATE ACCOUNT, all and any use of the PLATFORM services will be auditable by the contracting legal entity.
- If they wish for an INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT, the user must create another access, with no exchange of information and data between the INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT and the ASSOCIATED ACCOUNT.
The use of the PLATFORM that, intentionally or negligently, violates third-party privacy rights, laws, and good customs, or that in any way causes harm to third parties, in the USER's country of origin as well as in the country of origin of the harmed third party is prohibited, and will result in the immediate ban of the ACCOUNT and USER from the platform.
- Any claim arising from the actions specified above will be the responsibility of the USER who hereby agrees to reimburse any expenses incurred by the CONTRACTOR resulting from the actions specified above.
The use of PLATFORM services integrated with third-party systems requires the use of access keys whose sole responsibility for generation and custody lies with the USER. Such data is kept encrypted on the PLATFORM and cannot be recovered in any way by the CONTRACTOR. In case of the expiration of the access key, the USER must obtain a new key and enter it in the corresponding fields of the PLATFORM.
Access to SERVICE AGENTS on the platform must be done through specific and unitary TOKENS generated by the platform and presented only once to the USER. The loss of this TOKEN requires the generation of a new TOKEN and insertion into the target systems of the PLATFORM services.
- It is not technically possible to recover TOKENS access to SERVICE AGENTS.
7. User responsibilities
The natural person USER is responsible for the registered data and the information contained in the TOKENS transmitted by themselves. The legal person USER is responsible for data entered in TOKENS and distributed to their ASSOCIATES.
The USER understands that all available materials are the property of SPAI and are prohibited from being used for marketing purposes, as well as the PLATFORM and the software that support it.
The USER undertakes not to copy, modify, sublicense, rent, and/or sell any content of the PLATFORM.
The USER is responsible for direct and indirect damages caused to the CONTRACTOR due to the misuse of the PLATFORM, including when demanded by third parties.
The USER understands that the PLATFORM services cannot be used to include external content or pages intended for illegal purposes, violence propagation, pornographic content, xenophobic, discriminatory, or intentionally offensive content to third parties, including whether for the propagation of ideas and political-party and religious manifestations.
The USER must keep under their exclusive domain and responsibility, safeguarding and being solely responsible for the misuse of the following elements:
Access keys to the PLATFORM,
Integration keys (API KEY) of third-party systems,
The USER is solely responsible for the use of sensitive and/or third-party data in AI SERVICES, and any claim made by third parties arising from the use of such information.
8. Contractor responsibilities
The CONTRACTOR develops the software that supports the PLATFORM and licenses its use, and is responsible for its quality, under the law and the contracts it establishes with its customers.
Within the legal and contractual limits, the CONTRACTOR makes available in the use of the PLATFORM, the technical environment, and support services as mentioned above, to enable the connection and relationship, through the application, between USERS, directly, without intermediation.
The CONTRACTOR does not intermediate, edit, audit, supervise, or monitor the data and information moved on the PLATFORM by its USERS.
- For technical and statistical analysis purposes, the CONTRACTOR may monitor the volume and type of transaction, without disclosure or registration of the USERS' identity.
All data captured by the PLATFORM are those informed in the “Privacy Notice – SPAI” and are used for the purposes described therein and according to the rules established in this term, the manuals, and the platform's usage videos, always prevailing, in case of conflict, the provisions of this document.
The CONTRACTOR is not responsible for damages resulting from misuse of the information, especially but not exclusively, those resulting from the direct use of the PLATFORM services through the individual USER access keys, SERVICE AGENTS TOKENS, or integration keys that are under the user's custody and responsibility.
The CONTRACTOR is not responsible
for integrations, authorized or unauthorized, made by third parties, in the software that supports the PLATFORM and with other software and/or with the CONTRACTING PARTY's computational environment, especially those that have been developed without its knowledge and that may generate inefficiencies or data distortions.
The CONTRACTOR is not responsible for external links contained in its application that may redirect the USER to external environments.
The CONTRACTOR uses – at its discretion, and may change at any time - Data Center infrastructure with third parties (AWS/Google/ORACLE/MICROSOFT), and reserves the right to the PLATFORM's availability under the same parameters as the contracted Data Center/Server services. Likewise, the CONTRACTOR is not responsible for system unavailability caused by the server/Data Center contracted for hosting the services.
The CONTRACTOR is responsible for the storage, preservation, and backup of the data registered by the CONTRACTING PARTY, relationships established by it, and derived data, to the extent of the functionality offered on the PLATFORM, which is the support of the RELATIONSHIP between two USERS based on the interaction between them, during the validity of the platform use license, and for a maximum period of 60 (sixty) days after the termination of the license agreement.
9. Duties and obligations of the parties
For the purposes of these “Terms and General Conditions of Use”, the PARTIES acknowledge that the software that supports the PLATFORM is secure, however, as it occurs in other virtual environments, it is subject to threats and criminal violations, these being causes excluding the responsibility of the Parties. Also, web technologies are supported by communication services, such as the internet and telecommunications network, not offered by the CONTRACTOR and that may impact the software's performance, these being facts of third parties, excluding the responsibility of the Parties.
The PARTIES will not be liable for losses resulting from unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, under Article 393 of the Civil Code, which can be exemplified by the following events, in a non-exhaustive or taxative list: i) failures resulting from a fact or impediment beyond the reasonable control of the Parties; ii) acts or facts whose non-compliance the Parties could not reasonably expect or take into account at the time of the Contract conclusion; iii) facts that the PARTIES could not reasonably have avoided or overcome their effects, including malicious actions, intervention of third-party software, antivirus, firewall, proxy, among others; iv) war (declared or not), armed conflicts or serious threat thereof, hostile attack, military embargo, invasion, act of foreign enemy, civil war, rebellion, mutiny and revolution, commotion or disorder, crowd violence, or act of civil disobedience; act of sabotage, terrorism, or piracy, including virtual piracy; v) act of authority, regulation, expropriation, or compulsory acquisition; vi) natural events, plagues, epidemics, natural disasters such as storms, cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, violent storms, earthquakes, volcanic activities; landslides, tsunamis, floods, drought damage or destruction; vii) explosion, fire, lightning, destruction of machinery, equipment, factories, and any type of installation, transportation breakdowns, telecommunications or electrical current interruptions; viii) general disturbances at work, such as boycotts, strikes, lockouts, factory and installation occupations.
10. Limitation and exemption of liability
Subject to the legal provisions relating to this type of Contract, the CONTRACTOR will not be liable for the abusive use of PLATFORM resources if the USER engages in offenses, defamation, threats, harassment, counterfeiting, or other forms of violation of personal rights.
Under no circumstances will the CONTRACTOR be liable for (i) direct or indirect profits, lost profits, or indirect, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages; (ii) any loss of use, data, business arising from the use, misuse, or inability to use the PLATFORM resources, even in cases where it has been communicated.
The PLATFORM is not responsible for the result obtained from the use of AI SERVICES, being entirely the USER's responsibility to program the services and use the results obtained, even when using a dedicated instance.
The USER is entirely responsible for the use of AI SERVICES and their results, being individually responsible or the company to which they are associated, in the case of a CORPORATE ACCOUNT, for all responsibility for the use and results of using the PLATFORM services, with no responsibility to the CONTRACTOR for the result derived from its use.
The USER, individually or representing a CORPORATE ACCOUNT, agrees that any third-party claims arising from the use of the PLATFORM services are their responsibility and will assume any costs that may be incurred by the CONTRACTOR, resulting from the misuse of the PLATFORM services and the AI SERVICES used by the USER.
The responsibility for the interruption of access to the PLATFORM SERVICES due to a lack of CREDIT in the USER's account, and its derived consequences, is entirely the USER's responsibility.
The USER declares that they are aware that the AI SERVICES offered by the PLATFORM are developed, maintained, and possibly operated by third parties who determine their functional and operational characteristics, usage rules, information, and data manipulation, and who are autonomous in determining the availability of the respective service.
- By assuming the use of AI SERVICES, the USER, individually or on behalf of their COMPANY, assumes responsibility for their use, including the results obtained, use of the inserted data, and any other consequence of its use.
The CONTRACTOR will be solely responsible to third parties in the event of a copyright claim regarding the services offered by the PLATFORM.
The CONTRACTING PARTY will be solely responsible to third parties and judicial and regulatory authorities for claims arising from the misuse of confidential, personal, or private information that may infringe the laws in force in the country of contracting the PLATFORM.
11. Confidentiality and information security
The USER must observe the “Privacy Notice – SPAI”, disclosed on the SPAI.com website.
Unauthorized access to the Software's source codes by the USER is prohibited, under penalty of indemnification and contractual fine, in addition to the damages caused, including to third parties.
The USER allows, under the “Privacy Notice – SPAI”, that their data be transmitted through the PLATFORM resources, to meet the proposed functionalities.
In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of equity participation by SPAI, the data regarding registered users, established relationships, and derived data, in their entirety, stored by the CONTRACTOR, may be transferred to the involved third party.
SPAI will not be responsible at any time for data and information violations resulting from acts of employees, representatives, or persons authorized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, nor for those resulting from criminal or irregular actions of third parties (“hackers”) beyond the technical predictability limits at the time it occurs.
The Confidential Information transmitted and transactional information of USERS may be disclosed in the case of a court order in this regard, being the sole responsibility of the USER to take any contestatory action before judicial and/or police authorities.
12. Data processing and LGPD
The PARTIES undertake to comply with the rules and obligations imposed by the applicable data protection and privacy legislation, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), Law No. 13.709/18, as well as to ensure that appropriate safeguards are adopted regarding the protection of personal data, proper storage, and the prohibition of linking without purpose or prior and express authorization of the data subject.
The PARTIES are aware that the USER is the Controller and Operator of Personal Data, and the CONTRACTOR is solely and exclusively responsible for storing, preserving, and backing up the data entered exclusively by the USERS, as well as the relationships established by them and derived data.
To provide better service quality, enabling the USER to receive application notifications in their standard language, optimizing failure prevention, and facilitating application usage analysis, the CONTRACTOR will collect the following data when the application is accessed through a mobile device: brand, model, device name, device type, year, OS build, OS version, chipset, architecture, total memory, and language. Such data will not be stored by the CONTRACTOR and will only be used while the USER is accessing the application through a mobile device.
The USER, as a Data Operator, is responsible for the confidentiality of all information received from operations related to the exchange of TOKENS, allowing access to such information only to those who authorized the exchange of TOKENS, being certain that all transactions carried out through the use of user access keys and passwords will be the exclusive responsibility of the corresponding USER.
The USER is responsible for the processing of all information and data received through the exchange of TOKENS as provided in the platform's functionalities, being solely responsible for the use of such data outside the scope of the platform's resources, responding alone for any violation of the applicable data protection and privacy legislation, exempting the CONTRACTOR from any legal or compensatory burden that it may suffer, and must keep all data on the CONTRACTOR's PLATFORM, being fully aware that such data must not, under any circumstances, be extracted or saved in other locations, under the penalties of the law.
As a Data Operator, the USER is obliged to keep the work equipment always with updated antivirus versions, as well as to ensure secure and restricted access exclusively for those who have a password and login to access the SPAI Software, keeping the information without exposure to third parties.
The USER is responsible for the personal data they have access to, obliging themselves to keep the CONTRACTOR completely free from any claims, costs, damages, fines, losses, liabilities, expenses, and attorney's fees, to the extent that claims from Data Subjects, ANPD, or other regulatory bodies and authorities are caused, arise from or are related to
any violation of the applicable data protection and privacy legislation. This indemnity obligation will survive the termination, closure, or expiration of this Agreement, for any reason.
The USER will provide the CONTRACTOR with all necessary information to demonstrate compliance with the obligations established in any applicable data protection and privacy legislation if necessary.
If the CONTRACTING PARTY is a legal entity of public or private law, it will ensure the provision of correct training to all its employees and representatives who have access to the PLATFORM, to ensure the security of data processing of the platform's users.
The CONTRACTOR may fully monitor the PLATFORM access by registered USERS, using digital means, observing the limits established in this instrument.
The USER must reimburse the CONTRACTOR for the costs incurred by it to respond, remedy, and/or mitigate damages caused by any data violations caused by the USER themselves.
The USER must provide, if necessary, the due clarifications to the CONTRACTOR in the event of a thorough investigation of any allegations of unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal data through the PLATFORM.
The USER must fully cooperate with the CONTRACTOR to facilitate the investigation and correction of any data violations contained in the software platform. The USER must not inform third parties about any data violations without first obtaining written consent from the CONTRACTOR, except to comply with the requirements of data protection and privacy laws, in which case the USER, unless prohibited by law, will notify the CONTRACTOR before informing any third parties and cooperate with the CONTRACTOR to limit the scope of the information disclosed to what is required by the applicable data protection and privacy legislation.
13. Data and account removal
The USER may, at any time, choose to remove their data and consequently remove all data stored in their account. The USER may request the total or partial removal of the data. If requesting total removal, all data in their account will be removed, as well as the data of tokens sent to other users. If requesting partial removal of the account, the data in their account will be removed, but the data sent to other users will remain accessible to them. The PLATFORM cannot remove data that other users have, in some way, transferred to other storage forms.
Once the account is removed, the USER will no longer be able to recover their account or the data they have once entered into the PLATFORM and the data they have received from other users. And all their constructed relationships will be undone, without the possibility of recovery.
14. Applicable law and jurisdiction
- All items of these “Terms and General Conditions of Use” are governed by the laws in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil. To resolve disputes arising from this instrument, the PARTIES agree to submit to the Court of the District of Florianópolis, SC – Brazil.